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A member registered Mar 29, 2022

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this is such a cute, dear little game! I was in kind of a crummy mood looking for a quick little browser game and this game absolutely delighted me! 

I had to pause my game to comment this, and while I absolutely would love to write a full review of how great this game is so far, I have to say that as someone with OCD I have never felt more seen in my entire life than I do by the clock souls. The one that has to retrace its steps until it feels right, the one who talks about how anxiety inducing it is to STOP doing these mundane tasks, that it's almost too much to bear. I have never seen such an accurate representation of OCD and in its own way getting to destroy the factory is very freeing.

This was such a creative, wonderful game. It was scary and disturbing, but inventive and comforting. I loved interacting with Nika and with thinking about all the questions she posed! The art style of this game really stuck with me.

I once played this game at a video game convention at a museum near DC! I have been looking everywhere for it since and I am so ecstatic to have found it. 

This game made me feel really seen during what is an incredibly difficult time. I don't know how this collection of cubes made me so emotional, but it certainly did. Thanks for making this game.